Tuesday, February 21, 2012

it takes courage to love

Why do we fear love so? Love is a fearless entity that takes courage to experience it in its fullness. We so often are afraid of what might happen if that love is not reciprocated, instead of living in the fulfillment of that love and the pleasure that feeling this feeling gives us.. Stop caring about what your peers say about how you feel. SHIT!    Fuck, what the object of your love even feels. If it hurts to love them, if it engulfs your heart and takes you to a whole different realm then embrace it!! Let it take over you for once and be free and fearless.

            As a human, it will hurt you not to feel the reciprocated feeling. But embrace this too in fact LET it hurt because THAT is part of the feeling that you desire to be fulfilled. You, your neighbor, your mother your best friend, NOT EVEN your LOVER can dictate who you love or how you love them. and to what depth. This should be applied to any portion of your life that you claim to love. DO IT, and do it more relentlessly. Revive love in our lives one heart at a time. You don't have to be the prettiest person to experience love to its fullest. You do not have to be on the receiving end of it even, to understand what it is. All you have to do to revive love in our society, is to LOVE and to do it more fearlessly.

         Love has been so tainted over the years by fear, death, regret, and sadness that we have forgotten where love truly stems from. We forget that love is a blind feat that we all wish to fall into someday in our lives. To chose to love is to chose to allow something, someone or somewhere to hurt you to death.

         Or will you cower at the power love possesses? will you shy away from that which you have longed for all your life. Will you prevent this realization from occurring in your life due to your own cowardice? Or will you be courageous and seek it at all costs? Nurture love, cultivate it from the smallest seed to the largest tree and live off of its fruits. Then, let love nurture you back to a fearless way of life. Forget the hurt past loves have brought your way and love furthermore fearlessly. Love is a healthy cycle. Approach love, as an accomplishment instead of approaching it as some unreachable goal that exists only in fairy tales.... the depth of love you feel in your life will be determined by your level of courage... if you are not in love today, WITH ANYTHING, ask yourself what have you allowed to keep you in fear. Then abolish it from your life, for, to not feel love is to become a slave to fear. Begin to love to the fullest extent that you humanly can bare.

...love isnt made to be kept secret...
...love isnt made to be avoided...
...love isnt for the weak at heart...
 it takes courage to love.

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