Sunday, January 29, 2012

to One Night Stand, or Not to One Night Stand?

Hello Darlings!

       This one is for my single ladies out there.  Now, I know that we are all striving to be the best women that we can be. We all want to project that real, down to earth, pure woman with morals, right? That is beautiful and i want us keep it up but just like everything in life, there are limits. Limits to what you ask? Well, specifically in the sex department.

           How many of us have a certain amount of dates we MUST go on before we give IT up? How many of us wont give it up until "we go together"?  LOL Seriously though,  how many of us ACT like we're not giving it up on the first night but are? Now YOU all are the ones who should do some soul searching! But i digress.

      Listen ladies. It doesnt matter if you give him some coochie on the first night or after your 3 month "rule". If a guy respects you, connects with you and wants to be with you, he will continue to do so even after he's slept with you.
                Also, by you holding sex at such high regard, you then take the attention that you are trying to get him to pay you away from you. Defeats the point doesn't it?  The attention, in his mind, is now focused on "I wonder when is she going to let me hit it." or "If i tell her we go together, then, will she let me smash?" or "Shoot, I'm going wait these three dates, toot it and boot it". NONE of these scenarios are focused on "getting to know you" you know why? because YOU took the focus off of you the minute you put a constraint on what should be a natural occurrence.

        As played out as this particular saying is YOLO woman!!! give up the cookies(as safely as possible)...and obtain YOUR rocks! you know your bitter horny ass needs em!

       Continue to be realistic. i am not saying go out there and have a bunch of one night stands, but why go against what is natural for you?  If you're feeling him and you both make each other feel good just let the shit happen. Most men who truly are feeling you, wont even put that pressure on you too early out of respect for you. Oh yeah they do exist!  In all you do though, be safe! Now watch Chris and Keri get freaky oww!!

--- Your Girl, Mira! <3

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