Friday, January 20, 2012


Ever wonder how the people you admire became "the people you admire"? have you ever thought  "i wonder what so and so has been through to be so great at 'whatever'"?

If you haven't then you should, i mean, unless you want to continuously be the admirer and not the admired....

Here is some standard(simple) guidance for you to understand how they began.

1: LEARN from your mistakes!
     We are human mistakes are inevitable, but what you do after you make them is what defines your character.  i HOPE that was self explanatory....(if it wasn't then leave a comment)

2: CHANGE your SORRY ASS outlook on life!
         We all go through a slump here and there whether its a funky boss, a child that needs discipline, or a love on the rocks. We ALL get down but we don't have to stay down. 9 times out of 10 the way you feel about your life will show in every action you take. If you feel your life has potential and promise, and you approach each day as a new opportunity to be better at SOMETHING you will project that mindset. With this frame of mind you then WILL yourself in that positive potential direction. But if you forever feel defeated by your circumstances you will distract yourself with so much negativity that you will inevitably behave accordingly. Clear your mind!!! Snap out of your slump!!! Realize, that the gravity of your situation is only TEMPORARY. While you are down, that time should be used for reflection, to learn your lesson and to adjust your projection.

3: APPLY this change to your life as a permanent fixture. 
       Once you have learned something from your hardship, adjust your way of life then continue on that path. Ultimately,  for you to avoid coming back to this place of hardship, it is your responsibility and duty to yourself to make sure your actions reflect your new found knowledge. Encompass yourself with what new things you have learned. Approach every situation be it difficult or easy with the will and optimism to learn something new. By consistently APPLYING CHANGE based on what you have LEARNED from your mistakes you will continue to move upward and onward and always in a positive direction.

To achieve "YOUR" excellence, make CHANGE a habit, never get too complacent with where you are or you will never reach the greatness that you already feel inside. Let it Flourish!

 Your Girl- Mira

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